Photo Contest for the Calendar

IMPOA will be running the photo contest through our website this year. You will go to the website to submit your photos. Everyone in IM can vote on their favorite photos by visiting the website as well. More information and instructions will be coming soon! Add your photos of Indian Mountain and the beautiful South […]

Volunteer Info & IMPOA Open House

Get involved with your community!  Jeanne Wells of the IMPOA Board of Directors is hosting a volunteer info and IMPOA open house on Saturday May 24th from 9:00AM to 1:00PM.  Indian Mountain is a growing community with lots of opportunities to participate.   The volunteer info and IMPOA open house session is designed for all community […]

Summer Picnic

Pavilion 1996 Chief Trail, Jefferson, United States

The 2025 Summer Picnic is scheduled for Saturday July 5th from 11AM to 2PM at the pavilion next to the Comfort Station, 1996 Chief Trail.  All neighbors and friends are invited. The event is outdoors with shaded areas under the pavilion and a large tent. IMPOA and IMMD provide hamburgers, veggie burgers, hot dogs, condiments, […]