IMPOA Board of Directors

Pursuant to the Bylaws of IMPOA, Article VI, The IMPOA Board of Directors manages the business and affairs of the Association, except as otherwise provided in the Colorado Corporation Act, or the IMPOA Articles of Incorporation.
The number of Directors of IMPOA shall be not less than three nor more than seven. Directors shall be elected at each annual meeting of the membership for three-year terms. Two directors shall be elected each year, except for the third year of the cycle when three members shall be elected. Directors shall only be elected from and among the IMPOA members in good standing.
If a Director resigns or becomes unavailable to serve before the annual election, an acting Director may be appointed by the Board of Directors to serve until duly elected or replaced at the next annual meeting by a vote of the members in good standing of the Association.
Article X of the Bylaws goes on to require that the Board shall include five officers titled as president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer and membership director. The officers shall be members of the Board of Directors and shall be members in good standing of the Association. Furthermore, the officers shall be chosen by a majority vote of the Directors within thirty (30) days of the annual meeting of the IMPOA members.
The links below will take you to the Director Contact List and Director Biographies.  As terms and personnel change, the lists are in flux and updates are always coming.