Burn Pit
The Burn Pit is part of a suite of facilities maintained by the Indian Mountain Metropolitan District (IMMD). It’s located on their property near the RV Storage Lot and Pasture Golf off Albino Road. IMMD administers the pit, volunteers manage the pit, and the Jefferson-Como Fire Protection District (JCFPD) periodically burns the slash during winter months when conditions are deemed safe for a controlled burn. Please read this brief concerning smoke from these operations.
The objective of the burn pit is to provide a place for disposal of forest wood slash. It serves to encourage thinning of trees around structures and removal of dead, down, or overcrowded trees to support wildfire management. The burn pit experiences resounding success with hundreds of truckloads of forest slash being safely disposed each year. The Burn Pit does not allow treated lumber or construction materials.
Indian Mountain property owners can utilize the burn pit at no-charge. The neighboring community is welcome to utilize the Burn Pit for a one-time fee per year. All Burn Pit users must get a Usage Permit from the IMMD office that is located in the Community Center during business hours, Wednesday – Saturday 9AM to 1PM.
VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED to keep the Burn Pit operational. This link will take you to the IMMD Burn Pit Page where information regarding operating dates, volunteer opportunities, and usage regulations are posted.