The Indian Mountain Property Owners Association (IMPOA) acts, informs, educates and advocates on issues of concern to property owners to maintain the quality of life in Indian Mountain. IMPOA is a voluntary organization of all Indian Mountain property owners. It is a nonprofit corporation registered in 1985 in the State of Colorado and governed by Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws. IMPOA has 501(c)4 status under Federal IRS rules. A three to seven-member elected volunteer board of directors manages IMPOA. All property owners benefit from the services, events, and activities provided by IMPOA, but only dues-paying members may vote and participate in the governance functions of IMPOA.
The IMPOA voluntary dues are currently $45 per year, renewable at the start of the fiscal year on the first of September. There have been nearly 800 dues-paying members in each of the past two years. Dues-paying members get one vote per member and they need pay dues only once per year no matter how many lots they own.
The IMPOA board is a diverse group of volunteers giving their time and talents to the community without compensation. The IMPOA board represents Indian Mountain property owners in matters of general interest. Typically, the board members include full and part time residents. Specific activities of benefit to the community include the following:
  • Coordinating wildfire mitigation. Since 2013, IMPOA has coordinated more than $200,000 of forest treatments in Indian Mountain, including grants from the Coalition for the Upper South Platte, matched with cash and in-kind labor from property owners;
  • Assisting IMMD to ensure reliability and continuity of augmentation for the water wells in Indian Mountain;
  • Assisting property owners in complying with building, zoning, fire protection and public health regulations;
  • Teaming with IMMD in publishing newsletters;
  • Maintaining lists of dues-paying members and property owners;
  • Producing community social education and social events;
  • Liaison with Park County officials;
  • Speaking for the community before governmental entities on matters that affect the community, such as water resources and land use regulations;
  • Managing large scale road clean-up programs;
  • Sponsoring an annual Dumpster Day to help control trash in the community;
  • Promoting activities that improve the sustainability of our community; and
  • Maintaining fences where feasible, separating us from cattle grazing operations.
IMPOA’s fund raising activities include the voluntary yearly membership drive, donations, and sale of branded merchandise.

Facts about Indian Mountain

Indian Mountain consists of approximately 8,000 acres of private land subdivided into about 2,500 lots. Property owners, some owning several lots, number about 2,200. The subdivision was established in the early 1970s by a commercial land developer named Park Development Company and its general partner, Meridian Properties Inc. After about 1975, a company called Indian Mountain Corp (IMC) succeeded Park Development and Meridian and completed the sales of Indian Mountain properties. James P. Campbell, Jr. led IMC for many years.
Indian Mountain shares borders with Pike National Forest, Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and State Land Board properties; and with the Buffalo, Stagestop and Elkhorn Ranch Subdivisions. The only direct vehicular access to Pike National Forest from Indian Mountain is along Longbow Drive. Elevations in Indian Mountain range from a low of 9,200 feet above sea level along its northernmost boundary near Tarryall Creek to 10,368 feet at the top of its namesake, Indian Mountain, one of the highest points in South Park.
Within Indian Mountain, nearly all subdivided lots are zoned residential; a few are designated as outlots. Outlots were reserved by the developer for special purposes. No lots in Indian Mountain are zoned for commercial use. The Indian Mountain Plan of (water) Augmentation, approved by the State Water Court in early 1974, after the subdivision was established, assures a well permit, but not a water right, for each residential lot for its in-house, domestic use. Other uses of water from these wells, such as stock watering, car washing and irrigation, are violations of Colorado law.
The unplatted land within Indian Mountain includes about 270 acres owned by the Indian Mountain Metropolitan District or IMMD. This tract of land was originally known as “the ski area,” but it is now know as the Indian Mountain Park. Motorized vehicles, firearms and alcoholic beverages are not allowed in the Park. This tract contains a lodge, comfort station, picnic pavilion, playground, nature trails and disk golf facilities. The IMMD rents the lodge and furnishes keys to property owners for the comfort station.
About three miles outside the subdivision from the Elkhorn Road/Albino Road entrance, IMMD owns about 86 acres of land within the Sportsmen’s Ranch. Within that property are an old Recreation Hall and a large fenced area where Indian Mountain property owners may store RVs and campers at their owners’ risk.  Contact the business office for current storage fees.  Also within the District’s tract at the Sportsmen’s Ranch is an 83-acre, 9-hole pasture golf course. The 83 acres is also home to a waste-wood burning pit where forest litter (slash) may be deposited and is periodically burned by the Jefferson-Como Fire Protection District. More detail about the IMMD facilities is provided on the District’s website at www.indianmountain.info.
There are about 218 miles of roads in Indian Mountain, all of which are the responsibility of Park County for snow removal, grading and general upkeep.