Indian Mountain Metropolitan District
Two closely-knit organizations that serve the Indian Mountain subdivision owners are IMPOA (Indian Mountain Property Owners Association), and IMMD (Indian Mountain Metropolitan District).
We (IMPOA) are a separate but cooperative organization with IMMD. IMPOA is supported by your volunteer membership and donations as well as volunteer participation in IMPOA sponsored activities, events, and programs.
IMMD is a government district funded through a portion of your county real estate taxes. They are responsible for maintenance and improvements to parks and recreation services including Indian Mountain Park and its amenities, the Community Center and its adjacent properties, and the Burn Pit, RV Storage area, and other facilities located there. A full list and description of all facilities available to you is provided on the Indian Mountain Metropolitan District Website.
In 2013, the Park County Board of Commissioners amended the District’s service plan to provide water services in addition to parks and recreation. The revision gave authority to the District, on behalf of the community, to secure and manage water augmentation services such as the Indian Mountain Water Service Program (IMWSP). On the District’s website, you will find a cache of information on this subject along with augmentation history and options for augmentation through IMWSP.
This link will take you to the Indian Mountain Metropolitan District website (you will leave the IMPOA website).