Governing Documents

IMPOA is not a Home Owners Association (HOA) in the strict sense of the word.  Rather, IMPOA is a voluntary property owners association (POA).  This distinction is important to keep in mind because Indian Mountain is not a common interest community as defined in Colorado statute. Common Interest Communities have HOAs.
Nevertheless, IMPOA boards of directors since the early 2000s have strived to meet the same or equivalent requirements as Colorado law requires of HOAs in common interest communities. Thus, many of the documents that pertain to HOAs are available for IMPOA and the same openness standards are applied to board communications, meetings, financial information, etc.
Owners will find in this section of the website descriptive and governing documents of IMPOA and Park County, as follows:
  1. About IMPOA – a short description of what IMPOA is and does;
  2. IMPOA’s Articles of Incorporation as a Colorado non profit corporation;
  3. IMPOA’s Bylaws which govern the membership, directors and management of the association;
  4. IMPOA’s current year budget
  5. IMPOA’s previous year balance sheet
  6. IMPOA’s previous year internal audit of financials
  7. Indian Mountain Covenants, in which IMPOA is not mentioned and has no particular standing;
  8. Park County Land Use Regulations (LURs), which apply to properties and homes in Indian Mountain for which IMPOA has no enforcement authority; and
  9. IMPOA’s conflict resolution policy pertaining to the Covenants and LURs.